Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dalmatians and goats

We have 4 old goats in our wooded 3 ½ acre pasture.  We bought them to keep the woods cleaned up so you could walk back there.  But, we have really enjoyed being around them.  They are such curious, friendly, and entertaining creatures.   I could stand out in their pasture and watch them for hours.  We got our first 3 goats about 11 years ago, a wether and 2 does.  We decided to raise spotted goats to go with our spotted dogs and horses, so we got a spotted billy goat.  We raised a few babies, and sold a few, and then decided we’d rather not have to sell them, so we are down to just 3 wethers and one doe now.  They are all about 10 to 12 years old, and still healthy.  We feed them a mix of corn and Noble goat feed, made by Purina, along with salt, minerals, and some hay.  They also love eating the leaves and briars, and other weeds that grow in their pasture, and keep little trees from sprouting out there.   I believe leaves and cedar trees are their favorite.  It is definitely a myth that a goat will eat anything.  They are quite fussy about what they eat.   We also have some rye grass planted in their pasture, but they pretty much ignore the grass.  The dogs love playing with them.  The goat pasture is also our private dog park, and the dogs get to run there twice a day, when we go to feed horses and goats.  The goats put up with no nonsense from the dogs, and the dogs know just what they can get away with when playing with the goats.  Vegas would dearly love to eat their goat feed, but she knows better than to try to steal their food out from under them.  They’ll give her a good butt!  Here are some pictures of feeding time for the goats.

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